Schlagwort: Internet

Basic Hygiene.

Brush your teeth,
wash your hands,
delete your cookies!

Future Fun.

If you read this after upgrading a remote system to buster, ping the system on the network continuously as this adds entropy to the randomness pool and the system will eventually be reachable by ssh again.

Debian 10 buster release notes: 5.1.4. Daemons fail to start or system appears to hang during boot

Author, Title, DOI. Forget the rest.

It is 2019. Anything without a or another stable and direct link to the full text should not be acceptable as a citation or reference.


Setting: neomedieval Amsterdam. After the calls of Jan van Eijck to reduce carbon emissions and energy consumption [...]

Jan: These thirty- and forty-somethings have become so used to looking up everything on the Internet instead of remembering the literature, unlike us fifty- and sixty-somethings. I'm happy for my daughters that their generation is developing good memory and other skills again.

Barteld Kooi & Rineke Verbrugge: From principles to practical pigeon protocols, in: A Programming Road to Logic, Maths, Language, and Philosophy - A Tribute to Jan van Eijck on the Occasion of His Retirement.

Silent Search.

I can switch search engines, but I can't tell other people to go off Gmail. Email used to work, from its 7-bit days onward. It was one standard thing that you could rely on in the ever changing mess of messaging web apps and proprietary lock-ins. And now it's increasingly broken. I hope people realize that if they don't get a reply, perhaps it's because some machine somewhere decided for them that they don't need to know about it.

Tomaž Šolc: Google is eating our mail