Schlagwort: Katze


Are you acquainted with the mood of mind in which, if you were seated alone, and the cat licking its kitten on the rug before you, you would watch the operation so intently that puss’s neglect of one ear would put you seriously out of temper?

Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights


Kartonkatzen können Leben retten.

Sabrina Burtscher: Was hat die Kartonkatze mit Informatik zu tun? (Science Slam Metropol 2017)

A new one.

Wrong hyphenation of the day: cat-ego-ry.


Since the 1980s, the Iroise coast in Brittany has received a supply of bright orange landline novelty phones shaped like the famous cartoon cat.

BBC: Garfield phones beach mystery finally solved after 35 years


Es reicht eigentlich wenn genug Leute um mich herum Katzen haben von Katzen beschäftigt werden. Fast.