Another year of the 21st century is beginning to end, but we still use the most basic forms of remote hug technology.
Schlagwort: Kommunikation
The hard part about invitations is not to revoke them at the very last minute.
Just in case we finally get remote hug technology and someone wonders what to invent next: a reliable remote breakfast method which works the whole day would be great.
Real Remix.
"It's hard to explain, but, for me, just aiming a speely input device, or a Farspark chambre, or whatver you call it ..."
"A speelycaptor."
"... at something doesn't collect what is meaningful to me. I need someone to gather it in with all their senses, mix it round in their head, and make it over into words."
Neal Stephenson: Anathem
So say something beautiful
Say what you're keeping inside