Note: Having to enter a passphrase can almost stop an intuitive email.
Schlagwort: Kommunikation
Mein persönlicher Traum ist, dass man sich so wie bei der E-Mail auch bei sozialen Netzwerken seinen Lieblingsanbieter aussucht und trotzdem in alle anderen Netzwerke reinschauen kann. Aber das widerspricht leider der derzeitigen Marktlogik.
Cryptographic operations will disappear into the infrastructure. The complexities of cryptography and of cryptographic key management will be hidden from users.
Happy Anniversary.
Because I know you read this. Sometimes.
Help her against the Yeah-Sure Devil.
The Fuck-Off Fairy teaches you to stand up for yourself and believe in your value. She gets that sometimes "fuck off" needs to be said politely and with a smile, but while delivering the message clearly. She is an important part of the coming-of-age process.
Although she typically comes at 30, some people are lucky to get their Fuck-Off Fairy visit at a younger age, others may have to wait a bit longer. It is worthy of note, however, that it is never too late for you to invite her to visit you!