Schlagwort: Körper

For all l.

When you love someone who respects you, it feels so much better.

Math, Chocolate and Circus: Body Image

Not if everyone would, but does.

A chip's been implanted in your left arm. Don't worry, these days everyone's got one.

Cixin Liu: The Dark Forest


I have only been on this blog a short time, but it was quickly evident how you support and encourage others. You prove that boidibudly-ng is not just for those who want to compete, but it is a lifestyle for people of all ages [...]

comment spam


I have had a very fun time. It was enormously enjoyable, I loved it all, and was glad I got to see it.

not the last words of Jason Scott


Yesterday I increased the height of the seat. A new bar gave me an extra ten centimeters, and room to stretch my legs. The bicycle man and I were in total agreement, barring a slight difference in the way we expressed it: "The bike's too low," I said. "Legs of gaijin (foreigner, actually, outside-person) too long," said he.

Johan Galtung: Johan Lackland (Autobiography)