Schlagwort: Kreativität


Increasingly “creative coaches” and people with “keynote speaker” in their Twitter bios are making their quest to earn authority a higher priority than the very reason they got into this in the first place. Fueling the Complex is alluring catnip that feels like you’re advancing your career the same way answering a bunch of emails just feels productive.

Sean Blanda: The Creative World’s Bullshit Industrial Complex


Now I agree with most of the premises of the minimalists — that technology scrambles our brains and attention, that the decrease of long-form reading, writing and thinking is a real loss and that indeed to get stuff done we need to unplug sometimes — and even some of their techniques. My gripe is with the way they sell it as a way of life. It’s much more valuable as a periodic phase of life.

Vivek Haldar: Minimalism is not a viable intellectual strategy


When there are so few constructive, creative proposals, it is not only because they are ruled out by “value-free science” (which of course never existed), but because it is simply more difficult.

Johan Galtung: Good-Bye, See You Later