Schlagwort: Krise

Everyday is IWDday.

Women stand at the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, as health care workers, caregivers, innovators, community organizers and as some of the most exemplary and effective national leaders in combating the pandemic. The crisis has highlighted both the centrality of their contributions and the disproportionate burdens that women carry. International Women’s Day 2021 theme – “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world” 

Dattelning with Deutsche Bahn.

Fazit: Der Bahnkonzern will klimafreundlicher werden, schöpft seine Möglichkeiten aber noch nicht aus. Den Namen Klimaretter hat er so noch nicht verdient. Das Transportmittel Bahn ist hingegen unbestritten ein Klimaschützer: Güterzüge sind sechs bis sieben Mal klimaschonender als Lkw. Im Personenverkehr ist die Treibhausgasbilanz ähnlich: 55 Gramm pro Personenkilometer (g/Pkm) im Nah- und 29g/Pkm im Fernverkehr. Das Auto liegt bei 143g/Pkm beim Auto, das Flugzeug bei 214g/Pkm. Es lohnt sich also, in den Zug zu steigen - auch wenn der nicht ganz so grün ist, wie sein Anstrich suggeriert.

Katja Sodomann (hr / tagesschau): Wie "grün" ist die Bahn wirklich?

Contact Counting.

Sometimes it feels terrible to (have to) choose between people.

A journal that meets in a virtual hotel.

So, we seem to be stuck with a dysfunctional, antiquated publication system. It is time to end the debate about journals and conferences. Let us design a new publication system, something we, as computing professionals, should know how to do. We should collect system requirements, design the system, implement prototypes, experiment, and iterate. The publication system is our system. We are in charge! Technology opens new avenues, but we must be imaginative and not be bound by the dogmas of the dysfunctional past.

Moshe Vardi: Reboot the Computing-Research Publication Systems (

Use it and lose it.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gokal said, he continues to pay a price for not wasting a vaccine in a pandemic. His voice broke as he counted the toll.

He lost his job. His wife struggles to sleep. His children are worried. And hospitals have told him not to come back until his case is resolved.

He spends his time volunteering at a nonprofit health clinic for the uninsured, haunted all the while by the realization that no matter what, it will still be out there: the story about that Pakistani doctor in Houston who stole all those vaccines.

“How can I take it back?” that doctor asked.

Dan Barry: The Vaccine Had to Be Used. He Used It. He Was Fired.