Schlagwort: Kultur

A lot of X.

Cory Doctorow has authored the Bhagavad Gita of hacker / maker / burner / open source / git / gnu / wiki / 99% / adjunct faculty / Anonymous / shareware / thingiverse / cypherpunk / LGTBQIA* / squatter / upcycling culture and zipped it down into a pretty damned tight techno-thriller with a lot of sex in it.

Neal Stephenson about Walkaway


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Every country surely has its own awkward, outdated tradition – where every effort to update it, or to make sure it is offensive to no one, is met with fierce resistance.

Joost de Vries (The Guardian): Black Pete: the scandal we Dutch can’t stay silent about any more


The pornographers did a kind of stealth attack on our culture, hijacking our sexuality and then selling it back to us, often in forms that look very little like sex but a lot like cruelty.

Gail Dines: Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality


Wann ist eigentlich die Schnulze zum Schluss zum kulturellen Standard in sämtlichen Erzähl-Medien erhoben worden?