Schlagwort: Leben


Waurm sollten wir uns nicht auch mal darüber freuen dass etwas auf den Tag genau seit soundsoviel Jahren vorbei ist?

Game Of Life.

Some problems recreate themselves simply by having people talk about them.

¬L²αβ II.

And then you realize it is even harder to say "I do not love you."

Because even less people know what this should mean.

The job field.

I’m 24 now, and I still find it difficult to describe my job without making it sound like I browse Facebook for a living.

Federico Viticci


  • a warm compress applied to the eyes
  • a small dosage of antihistamine
  • increase bed rest
  • decrease exposure to computer screens, televisions, or harsh lighting
  • monitor caffeine intake

Wikipedia: Myokymia