Es fühlt sich gleichermaßen bedeutungslos und erhebend an dass schon zweiundzwanzig Jahre vor meiner Geburt jemand an mich gedacht hat.
Schlagwort: Leben
Krautrock and Containers.
We are love, already. It’s opening up to that, accepting it, and from that, we attract and build on what already exists. It is IN us. We cannot GET it from anyone else. That’s the key. So train hop to your future, and I’ll train hop to mine, but we will get there, the limits are only in our own brains.
The bad news: We cannot escape the creation of new memories.
The good news: It merely seems impossible to deal with the ever climbing ratio between the years we remember and the year we are living in right now.
The way of love you live.
If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you have to find the courage to live it.
John Irving
Familie ist da wo Kinder sind.
Das Patchworkkind kam heute aus der Schule nach Hause und berichtete durchaus mitleidsvoll, dass manche Kinder ja NUR Papa und Mama haben.