Schlagwort: Liebe


Most folks believe we are hardwired biologically to long for sex but they do not believe we are hardwired to long for love.

bell hooks: The Will to Change


Oh, well (she thought), if the world were populated solely by persons who loved and desired each other symmetrically, it might be happier, but not so interesting.

Neal Stephenson: The Confusion

I do it for you, you do it for me.

Heaven wasn't built in a day.

Beth Ditto: In And Out

Broadcast the boom⁴.

I overthink your p-punctuation use

Lorde: The Lourve

Punktfreie Smaragdfrösche.

"If this is love," said Orlando to herself, looking at the Archduke on the other side of the fender, and now from the woman's point of view, "there is something highly ridiculous about it."


Was it impossible then to go for a walk without being half suffocated, presented with a toad set in emeralds, and asked in marriage by an Archduke?

Virginia Woolf: Orlando: A Biography