Schlagwort: Liebe


Love is hard to measure
Hidden in the rain

Alison Krauss & Union Station - Paper Airplane

Sheep in a wolf-in-sheep's-clothing's clothing.

The world don't revolve around you but it should
I ain't saying you're perfect, but you're really really good
Ain't saying I love ya but I probably could

Dan Le Sac Vs Scroobius Pip: Stunner

OS .

[...] dass auf der anderen Seite ungeheure Prozesse im Gange sind, ein gigantisches Simultanschach der Gefühle, bei dem wir im Grunde von vornherein matt gesetzt sind.

Bert Rebhandl (taz) über Her

April, April.

Most of everything is neither beginning nor end.

Open Position(s).

I‘m not gonna apply for so­me­thing I have no clue about and I‘m not gonna sign any pa­pers and I don‘t know be­fo­rehand how I want things to be. We can talk about our CVs, but I‘ll not bring any re­fe­ren­ces.

feministischefetzen: „Love is not a job interview“ – Stories about (not) getting involved with someone