Schlagwort: Liebe

Team Mate.

You said we don't need anybody new
It's just me and you
On a bicycle for two
Ah ah ahhh

Kaiser Chiefs - Team Mate

A model is a model is a model is fun, though.

Marital dissolution is ubiquitous in western societies. It poses major scientific and sociological problems both in theoretical and therapeutic terms. Scholars and therapists agree on the existence of a sort of second law of thermodynamics for sentimental relationships. Effort is required to sustain them. Love is not enough.

José-Manuel Rey

Wheelentine's day.

Some people (who really know me) end their written messages to me with "best wishes to your bicycle."

¬L²αβ II.

And then you realize it is even harder to say "I do not love you."

Because even less people know what this should mean.


Laß uns niemals in den Arm nehmen,
um uns nicht in die Augen zu schauen.

Früchte des Zorns