Schlagwort: Logik

Blackburn et al.

And there it is, a modal equivalent of the Lersch Dilemma.

Power Bisimulation.

The important property of a game is not how many decisions the different players can make during it, but rather which outcomes they can enforce.


Dear society of spellcheck programs on my devices,

please accept that

  • indistinguishability
  • precisification
  • pseudorandomness

are totally real words and allow me to use them.

Thank you.

What's wrong with some basic temporal logic?

I don't want to talk about time travel because if we start talking about it then we're going to be here all day talking about it, making diagrams with straws.

Old Joe

Turn it up.

This is like turning down the volume on your radio so as not to hear the bad news. You will not hear much good news either.

This is like censoring the news: you hear things loud and clear, but they may not be so interesting.

Johan van Benthem: What one may come to know