Schlagwort: Macht

Code is (as annoying as) Law.

Don't you find it infuriating when lawyers and accountants fail to clarify how their respective domains work, making them unavoidable intermediaries of systems that in theory you should be able to navigate by yourself?

Whenever we fail to make simple things easy in software engineering, and webdev especially, we are failing society in the exact same way.

Loris Cro: The Static Site Paradox

Oh Autsch Zwei.

OAuth2 *in practice* is abused to control what applications can access YOUR OWN mail.

Do you need to register your slippers or mailbox key with $YOURCOUNTRY's Postal Service before you can open your mailbox and get your mail out? No. But that is what Google and Microsoft do with OAuth2 in practice.

With mail providers requiring applications to be registered, possibly fee-paying assessment - no thanks.

Matthias, on fetchmail-users (2022-10-22)


Let op! De vermelde bedragen zijn exclusief €9,- administratiekosten.



Wat heeft ‘de hardwerkende Nederlander’ aan een aantrekkelijk ‘vestigingsklimaat’ terwijl (het recht op) wonen voor velen onbetaalbaar is? Wat heeft ‘de kruidenierszaak’ aan een belastingparadijs? Wat heeft de Nederlandse boer aan de massale import van vleeskalveren? Wat heeft de Nederlandse reiziger aan het massale overstappen?

Reijer Hendrikse: Nederland is geen land, maar een draaischijf op drift


Dr. Täuber was punished for exerting her academic freedom. The same court that allowed the UG to fire her also made it clear that it was the university’s negative reaction to an essay about her experiences of gender discrimination at the university that “seriously disturbed” their work relationship. Alarming details have also been made public about how the university pressured Dr. Täuber to censor future publications, in order to retain her position.


Reinstate Dr. Täuber, reform complaint procedures, and establish binding protections for academic freedom.

Open letter by employees and students of the University of Groningen (UG), joined by concerned observers and colleagues at institutions around the world: Reinstate Susanne Täuber, protect social safety and academic freedom at the RUG