Schlagwort: Männer

Herr-lich einfächltig.

Ach, vielleicht deshalb weil es so herrlich einfach ist, in einem festen männlichen Ton miteinander zu verkehren. Ich habe mit der Faust auf den Tisch geschlagen, er hat mit der Faust auf den Tisch geschlagen; natürlich mußte ich dann doppelt so heftig auf den Tisch schlagen: Ich glaube, deshalb habe ich es getan.

Ulrich in Rober Musil: Der Mann ohne Eigentschaften (Zweites Buch, Kapitel 30)

A mask(ulinity) that's wearing me.

This is why you never see your father cry

Idles: Samaritans


In 2018, Spamhaus rated .men as the worst top-level domain in terms of spam and scamming. .men comes top with 60.6% of its 73,000 domains identified as "bad", resulting in a badness index of 6.48.

Wikipedia: Generic top-level domain, Brand gTLD

(via tastytea)


Often the answer lies in providing people with a counter-ideology that both reveals the fabricated nature of consumer ideology and offers an alternative vision of the world. A counter-ideology to porn would similarly need to disrupt and interrupt its messages, and it would have to be as powerful and as pleasurable as porn, telling men that porn’s image of women is a lie, fabricated to sell a particular version of sex. This alternative ideology would also need to present a different vision of heterosexual sex, one built on gender equality and justice. Few men are exposed to such a feminist ideology.

Gail Dines: Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality



None of this defines me. But if you think it hasn’t shaped me, hasn’t made me make rules for myself my whole life, hasn’t shaped how I view other women, and myself, and men... if you think it hasn’t shaped my ambitions (for good and for bad), or the way I vote, or what I see when I look in the mirror — I’m guessing you’re a man.

 jessicashortall: Everything I can remember.