This is why you never see your father cry
Schlagwort: Musik
A mask(ulinity) that's wearing me.
Bij alles wat ik doe.
Ik kan het niet hebben als het avonds is
oh, want 's avonds mis ik je vaak
Turn trade.
What are the tricks of the trade? “I’m not sure I should tell you,” Oldham said. “Dry hands are a particular problem. But you don’t want to see someone licking their fingers onstage. I ball my left-hand into a fist and cover it with my right while I’m waiting.” Inanimate scores can present unforeseen problems. New ones have unbroken spines so the pages won’t always stay put when turned; before a concert Oldham will crinkle the corners of pages and rough up the score a little to make sure it cooperates when the moment comes.
Who to go to, who to live with, with whom to share.
My heart will lead me to make honest choices
Floor Jansen: I don't know a thing about love
(vertaling van Ruben Annink: Van de liefde weet ik niks)
Let the devil take tomorrow.
All I'm taking is your time.