Schlagwort: Namen

No, it belongs to my grandma.

Geben Sie für das Telefon eine Bezeichnung ein, wie z.B. Wohnzimmer oder Annas Telefon.


Not Boring.

Verb - to turn something (usually an event or plan) that is boring, bleak, or sometimes hopeless into something awesome and not boring or exciting.

Urban Dictionary: Malvinate

Geräusch und Dampf.

Compliments on your name feel even better when you picked it yourself.

You better like me!

Malvin is not dangerous to ingest unless one develops an allergy toward it. An allergy to malvin may result in constipation, severe gas, vomiting or diarrhea when foods containing it are ingested in large amounts.[citation needed]

Wikipedia: Malvin

A Theory of Name(order)s.

We consider a game theoretic model to study allocation of credit to authors; in particular, we find that alphabetical ordering can lead to higher research quality, while ordering by contribution results in a denser collaboration network and more publications.