Schlagwort: Nation

Learning ISO 3166.

Other countries or territories you visited in the last 12 months.(Maximum 200 characters can be entered.)

visa application form of the People's Republic of China


Nope, I don't have a comment about this day.

Top Values.

As part of the study material, applicants have to buy a video entitled “Coming to the Netherlands”, which includes images of gay men kissing and topless women lying on the beach. This video was very controversial when it was introduced, because it seemed to be designed to provoke Muslim migrants and because not everybody considers homosexuality and topless sunbathing to be core Dutch values.

Focus-Migration: The Netherlands


Ons Javafryskscript wordt al bijna twintig jaar geprogrammeerd. Het is een mooie traditie van ICT’er op ICT’er, die niet verloren mag gaan.

De Speld:Friesland wil erkenning van eigen programmeerdialect


But when the British pack their bags and leave they become Expats, not Immigrants. What a thing! The same process. The same act. But different words.

Kei Miller: If It Looks Like An Immigrant, And It Talks Like An Immigrant…