He collected these together and put them in a cardboard file which he marked "Things To Do". Since he was feeling so vigorous and dynamic that morning, he even added the word "Urgent!"
Douglas Adams: So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish
He collected these together and put them in a cardboard file which he marked "Things To Do". Since he was feeling so vigorous and dynamic that morning, he even added the word "Urgent!"
Douglas Adams: So Long, and Thanks For All the Fish
Neues Kriterium für die Interessantheit von Haushalten: Gibt es einheitliches Besteck oder eine wilde Mischung im Besteckkasten? Oder gar keinen solchen?
Hmmm; we can't postpone the dirty work any longer. In emergency situations, garbage collection is a necessity. And occasionally, as a ZDD base grows, garbage collection is a nicety, to keep our house in order.
If you run one Emacs session for a period of days, as many people do, it can fill up with buffers that you used several days ago.
Trailing whitespace is shitespace.