It must have had something to do with that here he could drink chocolate. Moreover, he could move about, talk to people, and attend to what he found interesting.
Neal Stephenson: The System of the World
It must have had something to do with that here he could drink chocolate. Moreover, he could move about, talk to people, and attend to what he found interesting.
Neal Stephenson: The System of the World
Es war nahezu unmöglich dort zu sitzen ohne zu lesen.
Der einzige Grund sich hier zu treffen wäre ein Wortspiel.
Luxury has many faces.
Die Bank zum Brownies essen.
Der Balkon zum Vögel beobachten.
Die Straße wo sich der VW Bus gut parken lässt.
Der Spielplatz an der Kanalkreuzung wo Jugendgeschichten erzählt werden.