Schlagwort: Politik

Chicken and Whiskey.

When the EU Withdrawal bill came to the House of Commons this week there were supposed to be three hours to discuss the part of the bill that deals with the smaller nations of the UK. So not just the Scottish question, but also Welsh and Northern Irish devolution, and the matter of the Northern Ireland border with Ireland. (The NI border is undoubtedy the most controversial part of the Brexit negotiations so far.) So that’s a lot to get through in 3 hours. Yet due to frankly archaic parliamentary procedures, this time was reduced to 19 minutes. During the “debate”, only a single Conservative minister was given time to speak.

Toby Goodwin: On an Independent Scotland (2018-06-17)

Und die Kühchen wackeln.

Manchmal ist das Kraftwerk ein klein wenig putt
Weil ein dummes, kleines Ventilchen streiken tut

Walter Hedemann: Die Endgültige Lösung


But it's not the intent or the statements people in technology make that matter, it's the structures and business models they're building.

Zeynep Tufekci: We're building a dystopia just to make people click on ads


Früher war alles besser, sogar die Beschimpfungen.


Wellicht kunnen we op termijn veilige vluchtelingenkampen printen in Noord-Afrika, of het Verenigd Koninkrijk terugprinten in de Europese Unie. Met deze techniek is er van alles mogelijk, en de politieke wil is niet eens nodig.

De Speld Kabinet gevormd met 3D-printer