Schlagwort: Prioritäten


On any given day, one might hear of tens or hundreds of millions of dollars flowing to a start-up company named Ublibudly or MeTickly. These are names I just made up, but they would make great venture capital bait if they existed. At these companies one finds rooms full of MIT PhD engineers not seeking cancer cures or sources of safe drinking water for the underdeveloped world but schemes to send little digital pictures of teddy bears and dragons between adult members of social networks.

Jaron Lanier: You Are Not A Gadget.

Structure first, Bedenken second.

Bad programmers worry about the code. Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships.

Linus Torvalds (2006-06-27)

Entfernt wichtig.

Making an effort to find something unimportant is a strange but frequent phenomenon.


Most of the focus seems to be on figuring out how to accommodate the existing legacy journals [...] and very little attention has gone into looking at how you support smaller publishers or more innovative new entrants, people that are trying to really bring change to scholarly publishing.

And without supporting these new innovations, there is a risk that the additional funding coming in is going to further entrench the traditional publishers as we start moving towards open access.

Paul Peters (CEO of Hindawi Publishing) in Open Science Talk Episode 10


People may forget what you say. They may forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

Maya Angelou