Schlagwort: Prioritäten


“I hadn’t known that,” I said. “I always tend to assume there’s an infinite amount of money out there.” “There might as well be,” Arsibalt said, “but most of it gets spent on pornography, sugar water, and bombs. There is only so much that can be scraped together for particle accelerators.”

Anathem by Neal Stephenson


Is it still procrastination if it is useful?


Er konnte nur sagen, daß er sich von dem, was er eigentlich hatte sein wollen, weiter entfernt fühlte als in seiner Jugend, falls es ihm nicht überhaupt ganz und gar unbekannt geblieben war.

Robert Musil: Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften


Viel zu viel was mir auch viel zu gut gefällt.

Die Ärzte: Living Hell

Good Fellow Inc.

Yesterday was the fifth anniversary of my retirement from the business of being a Good Fellow. I use the word “business” advisedly. Until five years ago, if the city directory had told the truth, it would have listed after my name, as my real occupation, something like, “General Attender to Things,” or “Pinch Hitter,” or “Fine Old Scout.” I hope I am entitled in some measure to these designations even to-day. But I have quit being an accommodator and nothing else.

Unknown: Why I Quit Being So Accommodating (1922)