Ha. I wonder what happens if that function is called twice?
Schlagwort: Programmieren
Wifi Killteration.
Bonus point if you make them believe you can only program in Haskell on NixOS.
Handtyped Numbers.
“You’re… defining the natural numbers by hand? Why?”
“Haskell is for mathematicians,” you explain. “We always define our terms.”
Run Think Environment.
Virtual machine-based languages, interpreted languages, and languages with runtime environments encourage users to view the execution environment as a black box. The goal here is to make programming easier by reducing the scope of the mental model the programmer must maintain. When bugs occur in these execution environments, you're left with a complete gap in understanding. You might solve this by understanding more about the execution environments, but then what is the point of that abstraction?
Jede auch?
Programmieren ist magisch, denn mit dem Code lassen sich Dinge aus dem nichts erschaffen. Ein paar Zauberwörter und Satzzeichen in der richtigen Reihenfolge getippt, und schon passiert etwas. Wer programmiert, hat Macht. Und das Schöne ist: die Computerwelt ist eine Welt, in der fast jeder sich ermächtigen kann.