Schlagwort: Programmieren


There is a common misconception that the purpose of writing Haskell programs is to instruct a machine to perform certain computations, and to report the results thereof. This myth is perpetrated by numerous lecture courses, books, websites and other media, which merely teach how to write programs with the desired functionality.

In actual fact, to write a good Haskell program is to create a work of art. As such, any Haskell program worth writing must be beautiful. In fact, rumour has it that the GHC optimiser analyses programs it is asked to compile and, if it finds it aesthetically pleasing, will work harder to make your program run faster.

But what determines whether a Haskell program is beautiful or not? Read on, my intrepid friend, and you shall find out!

Ian: Good Haskell Style


The king wisely had the computer scientist beheaded, and they all lived happily ever after.

Unknown / Do-While Jones


rabern `solves` hlpe


Das schwierige am Programmieren Leben ist, alles und nichts gleichzeitig tun zu können.

Depends where they come from.

Some people figure that rules were made to be broken.

Matthew Green: Why I hate CBC-MAC