Schlagwort: Programmieren


-B Sound the bell at the start of each (major) garbage collection.

Oddly enough, people really do use this option! Our pal in Durham (England), Paul Callaghan, writes: “Some people here use it for a variety of purposes—honestly!—e.g., confirmation that the code/machine is doing something, infinite loop detection, gauging cost of recently added code. Certain people can even tell what stage [the program] is in by the beep pattern. But the major use is for annoying others in the same office…”

GHC documentation: 5.7.9. RTS options for hackers, debuggers, and over-interested souls

The Power of Code(s).

Lynn Cyrin is a computer science student and Dean's Scholar at Mills College. She has been studying programming for roughly a year, and sees it mainly as a means to an end – the end being destroying capitalism, decolonizing our culture, and spreading queerness.


I think the first and foremost principle of a higher-level programming language is that of machine independence. A higher-level programming language should allow the programmer to solve a problem rather than drive a physical system. This was a crazy idea in the 1950s.

Dan Ghica about seamless computing

Big Data.

Big fucking deal[1][2] is a collection of deals so fucking large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand fuck giving tools or traditional shit giving techniques. The challenges include capture, curation, storage,[3] search, sharing, transfer, analysis,[4] and all kinds of who the fuck knows what else. The trend to larger fucking deals is due to the additional shit derivable from giving a fuck about a single large fucking pile of related shit, as compared to separate smaller piles with the same total amount of bullshit, allowing correlations to be found to “spot business shit, determine quality of whatever, prevent some nasty shit, link legal shit right the fuck together, combat fucking crime no I am not making this up it’s like fucking Batman, and determine real-time traffic shittiness.”

Bryan O'Sullivan feat. Wikipedia: Big Data

Delayed Assembler.

Sentences including "real-time Java" also make a lot of sense if you replace it with "stupid but hilarious idea".