Schlagwort: Programmieren


But is Android not already Linux on mobile?

We could answer this question. However, it would not be printable on the public Interwebs, so you won’t find the answer in this post.

Mobian project: What is Mobian?


Kartonkatzen können Leben retten.

Sabrina Burtscher: Was hat die Kartonkatze mit Informatik zu tun? (Science Slam Metropol 2017)

Learn, Teach, Repeat.

Sometimes it just feels good to update a thing.


Of course, I couldn’t resist trying to nest a GFM code block inside a Markdown code block inside a Markdown document and of course, things got weird.

Jason Belvins: Syntax highlighting for code blocks in Emacs Markdown Mode


Paying for gifts

...does not work.

You don't say to someone, "here's $100, maybe this time get me a gift worth $100 more than you'd regularly spend." It's kind of insulting. It still probably won't get you exactly the thing you wanted. Actually, the other person might just pocket the $100 and run off with it.

apenwarr: The Gift of It's Your Problem Now