Schlagwort: Programmieren


Über dieses Thema braucht nicht “gestritten” zu werden, weil Fakten für sich sprechen – es sei denn, man ignoriert sie. Herr Hennig und Sie scheinen mir persönlich im Ignorieren von Fakten haushoch überlegen zu sein.

Linus Neumann: Warum ich kein “Streitgespräch” über die Luca-App führe


A downside of running my CI pipelines somewhere else is that I no longer hear (the fan stopping) when they are done.

Very occasionally.

E is an equational theorem prover. That means it is a program that you can stuff a mathematical specification (in many-sorted first-order logic with equality) and a hypothesisconjecture into, and which will then run forever, using up all of your machines resources. Very occasionally it will find a proof for the conjecture and tell you so ;-).


Doing evil with the most beautiful tools is still doing evil.

General Public Quote.

Of the 41 main cases we singled out during manual labelling, none appear in less than 10 different files. Most (35 cases) appear over a hundred times. Once, GitHub Copilot suggested starting an empty file with something it had even seen more than a whopping 700,000 different times during training -- that was the GNU General Public License.

Albert Ziegler: Research recitation (

(via @eevee)