Schlagwort: Programmieren

M-x control-air-traffic.

A week later - I helped out finishing the 4GL UI in the meantime and completed the messaging protocol - he called me in, quite happy. He showed me the code - page after page of Emacs Lisp, with exactly zero comments "because Lisp is self-documenting". I got scared, it was an air traffic control system after all, [...]

/u/cdegroot answering Do you use Emacs Lisp as a general purpose programming language?

Partial Politics.

Partial functions are the antithesis of this concept. They allow you to say "yeah dude, I can totally give you the first value in an empty list." Partial functions are like politicians: you can tell they're lying because their lips are moving. ("But Michael," you say. "Functions don't have lips!" Whatever, I'm waxing poetical.)

Alright, so plenty of languages screw this up. Haskell tells those languages "hold my beer."

Michael Snoyman: Haskell: The Bad Parts, part 2

Check in Peace.

Suddenly it is time to say good bye to one of my PhD thesis heroes.

Gender Doom.

I hate it when people exploit memory bugs in my gender destruction functions and sideload Doom into my gender.

@Foone on Twitter

Excel lent.

When the persons after Jan are suddenly called Feb and Mar, and when genes need to be renamed, then maybe, just maybe, we should reevaluate the software we are using?