Schlagwort: Quatsch


That’s why any sentence that contains the word “brand” is almost certainly bullshit. Because “brand” as it’s used in corporate board rooms is a way of fooling the customer into feeling as if she’s entered into a social contract, while carefully ensuring that there is no reciprocal contract on the part of the corporation.

Cory Doctorow: The Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

From Via To.

Fun fact: there is a lot of Wacken in France.


But if it’s a purely abstract competition set up between insiders to the exclusion of outsiders, it might feel like a competition, it might feel very challenging and stressful and hard to the people doing it, but it doesn’t actually do anything for anybody else. It’s no longer genuinely productive for anybody, it’s a fake.

Jaron Lanier Interview on What Went Wrong With the Internet


Some command lines are too good to be true.

Robot Humor.

Bitcoin does not use RSA, instead it uses elliptic curve cryptography based on the curve secp256k1. Our attack cannot be directly applied to that. However if you transform a quantum key exchange to a supersingular Isogeny you can attack post-quantum RSA and thus apply our attack indirectly to secp256k1.

We believe the only way Bitcoin can defend against this is to immediately switch to Quantum Blockchains.

The ROBOT Attack: Can this attack be used against Bitcoin?