When the NYTimes or western media talks about the world, they’re not talking about the world. They’re talking about white people or, at a stretch, the rich.
Schlagwort: Rassismus
For god’s sake, let’s stop painting our own society as a haven of peace and safety, which it most definitely isn’t, and by the same token, let’s stop turning the rest of the world into a no-go zone, full of dangerous criminals.
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When you look at my privilege, compared to that of many of the people I have travelled among, it is beyond tasteless to suggest that I am the vulnerable one.
Privileged Thief.
This social experiment was conducted in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in 2014. Three young man that dress the same, have the same height and are of the same age, try to steal a bike.
All men have been 'stealing' the bike for 30 minutes. They all used the same utensils (hammer, saw, plyers) for the same amount of time. During the 30 minutes of testing with all men around 500 people passed by. The three men are actors, the other people in the film aren't.
Every country surely has its own awkward, outdated tradition – where every effort to update it, or to make sure it is offensive to no one, is met with fierce resistance.
Joost de Vries (The Guardian): Black Pete: the scandal we Dutch can’t stay silent about any more
Why shouldn’t people turn colors? All the trouble in world came from the fact that they usually stayed the same color. James nodded profoundly. As usual, peyote had brought him a big Truth. If whites and blacks and Indians were turning colors all the time, there wouldn’t be any hate in the world, because nobody would know which people to hate.