Schlagwort: Reise

Lightning trip.

Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton
Talking in our beds for a week
The newspapers said, say what're you doing in bed
I said we're only trying to get us some peace

John Lennon: The Ballad Of John And Yoko


Auch Tage mit lärmendem Pedal können perfekt sein.


Oh, who, in the enthusiasm of a daydream, has not wished that he were a wanderer in a world of summer wilderness, with one fair and gentle being hanging lightly on his arm?

Nathaniel Hawthorne: Roger Malvin's Burial


"Ga je mee?" vroeg giraffe.


"Op ontdekkingsreis."

"Om wat te ontdekken?"

"Ja, als ik dat wist was het geen ontdekkingsreis meer."

Toon Tellegen: De Eekhoorn keek met grote ogen (in Goede reis)
