Schlagwort: Schöneneuewelt

Men tantamount to war criminals.

I will never forgive these people for what they’ve done to the computer, and the more I learn about both their intentions and actions the more certain I am that they are unrepentant and that their greed will never be sated. I have watched them take the things that made me human — social networking, digital communities, apps, and the other connecting fabric of our digital lives — and turned them into devices of torture, profitable mechanisms of abuse, and find it disgusting how many reporters seem to believe it's their responsibility to thank them and explain why it's good this is happening to their readers.

Edward Zitron: Never Forgive Them (2024-12-16)


It's a fascinating new operational security wrinkle that relies on the popularity and ubiquity of Apple's Ios devices; foiling it requires not just that a spy facility be mobile-phone-free, but that all the facilities that deliver its mail also adopt this measure.

Cory Doctorow: Outing German spy agencies by mailing them Airtags


Is there a diagnosis for compulsive update checking?


We live in a world where "my email system was updated so I did not notice your message" is a perfectly normal thing to say.

What happened to the idea of choosing your own tools and work environments?

Your mirror is black, only a copy stares back.

You have become
Tool of a tool
Digital ghouls
Telling you to
Shut up and dance

Nightwish: Noise