Schlagwort: Sprache


Some words should be written with an index of the field they are coming from, "seriality" for example.

Make Up and Out.

I waited patiently — years — for the pendulum to swing the other way, for men to start reading Jane Austen, learn how to knit, pretend to love cosmos, organize scrapbook parties, and make out with each other while we leer. And then we'd say, Yeah, he's a Cool Guy.

Gillian Flynn: Gone Girl


Wir brauchen noch viel mehr Worte und Wörter.

Random Wiki Fact #666.

Hubert Blaine Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff is the abbreviated name of ...


We don't need no negation.

I didn't write back, so she wouldn't have the chance to not respond.

All Your Time-Tossed Selves, a story made in Google Forms