Schlagwort: Sprache


Fun thing about correcting homework from a diverse crowd: You get to learn many names for the pq formula, the quadratic formula, the abc formula and all their friends.


Let's have a word for "if then after".

Example: "Ifter we go to the park I want ice cream." = "If we go to the park then after that I want ice cream."


Wat als de nazaten van de nihilisten allang vertrokken waren uit de stoffige winkels van de religieuze koopwaar die we onze wereldbeschouwing noemen?

Juli Zeh: Speeldrift

Not Boring.

Verb - to turn something (usually an event or plan) that is boring, bleak, or sometimes hopeless into something awesome and not boring or exciting.

Urban Dictionary: Malvinate

Maybe CSL would be easier?

Wer in China kein Chinesisch kann, ist so gut wie Analphabet und taubstumm.

Süddeutsche Zeitung: Reisetipps Peking