Schlagwort: Sprache

Time is overrated.

Kurz umschauen dass auch keine Linguist_innen in der Nähe sind ...

*duck* und weg.


English language is like Swiss cheese. It has so many holes, they are already becoming an important part.

Koi No Yokan.

The sense one can have upon first meeting a person that the two of you are going to fall in love. Differs from “love at first sight” as it does not imply that the feeling of love exists, only the knowledge that a future love is inevitable.

Please make a [X/x]erox of this.

Generationenspezifisches Vokabular findet sich in den kleinsten Ecken aller Sprachen.

Crucial Comma.

[T]he name is actually borrowed from Jónsi's younger sister Sigurrós, who was born the same day as the band was formed, and then split into two words.
