Schlagwort: Sprache

Formal Family.

How strange, that native English speakers never experienced that fancy diner during which the parents of your partner offer their Du ...

Which languages and cultures provide this experience?


This system is capable of autonomously learning new quality criteria from user feedback to tell apart good translations and bad ones. It has found out, for instance, that a page is usually machine translated if it contains the word "Wordpress" and many words are literally translated.


I believe in propositions and propositional content.

They are what you want to say but do not find the word for - not in any language.

They are what you remember someone telling you, without any information about how they said it or which words they used.

Nicht nur Menschen haben Angst.

Brüssel sowie die Finanzmärkte hatten befürchtet, dass bei einem Wahlsieg Berlusconis die Schuldenkrise wieder aufflammen könnte.


Euro Shopper.

Das Selbstvertrauen in die eigene passive Sprachkenntnis lässt sich hervorragend daran messen, welche Lebensmittel, Medikamente oder ganz allgemein Substanzen mensch sich zu konsumieren traut auch wenn sie nur in der betreffenden Fremdsprache beschriftet sind.