Schlagwort: Technik

Heat oil back stab attenuation.

Spaß des Tages: Spanischen und Englischen native speakers ein (langes) deutsches Wort bei bringen:


Texts, Music, Calendar, Notes, Photos, Thoughts.

Time travel is invented by now. Just turn on your two-month-not-used old smartphone.

:~$ rm TODO.txt

Erster Gedanke: Verdammter Mist.

Zweiter Gedanke: Welch Freiheit ...

In Destruction We Trust.

4. The laptop's hard drive was destroyed.

RSA Laboratories


Dear society of spellcheck programs on my devices,

please accept that

  • indistinguishability
  • precisification
  • pseudorandomness

are totally real words and allow me to use them.

Thank you.