Schlagwort: Uni

Fellow or Follow.

All things considered, should we get rid of equal opportunity programs? Certainly not. But I think we should forsake the collective delusion that having an equal opportunity program is equivalent to being an equal opportunity employer. The discrepancy between public commitment and actual progress seems to stem largely from the conviction that, if put on paper, diversity will magically result in inclusiveness.


Ambiguous evaluation criteria and the sole dependency on one person for decision making about promotions should be banned.


We do not allow academics to give lectures without having acquired the necessary knowledge and skills – why do we allow academics to manage a diverse workforce without having acquired the necessary knowledge and skills?


Given the potential backlash, I did not take the decision to expose myself through this essay lightly.

Susanne Täuber: Undoing Gender in Academia: Personal Reflections on Equal Opportunity Schemes. In: Journal of Management Studies 2020.
Open access:

Anti-intellectuele impactverhuurschuur.

Laten we allereerst vaststellen dat de geschiedenis van academische gemeenschappen niet geschreven wordt door vice-decanen die een nieuwe procedure voor tentamenevaluatie met programmadirecteuren en examenadministratie afstemmen. Die geschiedenis wordt geschreven door precies datgene waarvan de bestuurders denken dat het er incompatibel mee is: protesten.

Willem Schinkel: Lof der platheid. Over campusprotest en academische gemeenschap

(also available in English)

Denken First.

But maybe you overrate the value of discussing things. There is a reason why I don’t hire a lot of Ph.D.s. I have a Ph.D., Dr. Castelein. I seen how the sausage is made. And the problem with Ph.D.-havers is overthinking. Y’all live in this alternate universe where everything has to be made perfect sense of before y’all can do anything.

Neal Stephenson: Termination Shock

De digitale wurggreep.


  • a coalition of parents, IT professionals, teachers, privacy advocates, recognise ourselves in this manifesto


  • that the current digital educational system are dominated by tech giants
  • that fundamental rights - like the privacy of children, parents and educators - are insufficiently secured

and request

  • an alternative design for digital educational systems in which public values and the autonomy of the individual can be secured. Free children from the digital stranglehold


It was a terrible, endless job. After a day of it, I decided I was going to write a book — that way, all of this drudgery was a fascinating contribution to my artistic growth.

Neal Stephenson: The BIg U