My! My! Time Flies!
Schlagwort: Uni
Neun Monate.
Amsterdam, Berlin, Bonn, Brisbane, Frankfurt, Istanbul, Lerida, Madrid, Marburg, Oslo, Poznan, Trondheim, Venice, ... – Did I mention that I really like eduroam?
Education is riddled with market failures. We know so. We teach this. This reality calls for non-market interventions. It screams for democratization. What shape and form democratization should take is exactly what ReThink is currently discussing. We should therefore not stay silent anymore, if only because rethinking the academic enterprise is too important to be left entirely to non-economists. Everybody should engage. In the end, Dutch economist Hennipman taught at the UvA’s economics faculty that taking a broad welfare perspective implies that profit is not the same as welfare. That made Hennipman a critic of rendementsdenken avant-la-lettre. Of course, many economics departments -including UvA- already don’t teach the history of economics anymore, so we also don’t teach Hennipman. The irony is that his lesson is one that we cannot afford to forget.
Wer macht hat Macht.
This question is a practical one that doesn’t even begin to touch on the issue of how effective the consensus-seeking principle actually is as a model for democratic political engagement. The way the form plays out, it perpetuates certain hierarchies by disguising them. The least subtle examples of this are the denial of the existence of unelected/informal leaders, and the impediments to participation for those who don’t have the freedom (to maneuver within their temporary contracts) to put off work for long hours of assembling day after day.
Donya Alinejad: Dear Maagdenhuis, can we please get our shit together?
Long Paper (7 pages)