Schlagwort: Wahnsinn

Use it and lose it.

Meanwhile, Dr. Gokal said, he continues to pay a price for not wasting a vaccine in a pandemic. His voice broke as he counted the toll.

He lost his job. His wife struggles to sleep. His children are worried. And hospitals have told him not to come back until his case is resolved.

He spends his time volunteering at a nonprofit health clinic for the uninsured, haunted all the while by the realization that no matter what, it will still be out there: the story about that Pakistani doctor in Houston who stole all those vaccines.

“How can I take it back?” that doctor asked.

Dan Barry: The Vaccine Had to Be Used. He Used It. He Was Fired.



Nothing is as crazy as it used to be.



Realitäts-Update der Woche: Unter Windows 10 enthält nun sogar Solitaire Werbung. Mit Videos.


Heel gek. Ik stond hier gister nog met allemaal zakken in mijn wagentje, maar ik heb niks meer in huis.

de 39-jarige Nick in De Speld: Man iedere dag opnieuw in supermarkt voor weekvoorraad chips

Maybe add reading to the list.

If you're not riding, eating or sleeping, you're wasting your time.

Mike Hall, quoted by Emily Chappell in Where there's a will