Schlagwort: Weihnachten

Do do do do do.

Now we are tall and Christmas trees are small

Bee Gees: First of May

Schon wieder.

Huch, na gut, noch ein Monat.


Die Firma Lambertz in Aachen produziert von Juli bis Dezember viereinhalb Millionen Dominosteine täglich.

Wikipedia: Dominostein

To a time of jolly and gay.

Come and take my robe

We will fly away

Majestica: Ghost Of Christmas Past


It's finally clicking for me that everyone is playing sort of a frantic game of end-of-term whack-a-mole trying to clear their own decks by punting everything into someone else's inbox before the end of the year. (to mix all the metaphors)

Rebecca Welzenbach (@rwelzenb)