A prediction: "But your paper is not open access." will be the new academic version of "But your file was a .DOC."
Schlagwort: Wissenschaft
Academia vs Science.
I don’t see a sustainable science coming out of the meaningless game of excellence, publishing, and grant writing.
What my research indicated is that detecting and correcting issues in science, is too difficult to be sustainable. What my research also indicated, is that going back to the drawing board allows us to tackle issues in a much more straightforward, simplistic, and encompassing manner.
And if there’s an anecdotal thing I’ve learned: People want futures they can be a part of and experience, not just ones to think about and fight for.
Chris Hartgerink: Reflections on my PhD and building sustainable science. (medium.com)
NWO’tje spelen.
NWO, die jaarlijks bijna een miljard euro verdeelt onder wetenschappers, wil bovendien waar mogelijk de strakke deadlines op het indienen van onderzoeksvoorstellen afschaffen en een systeem van ‘doorlopend indienen’ invoeren. Dat voorkomt, zegt Duisenberg, dat onderzoekers „moeten rennen om het hekje te halen en voortdurend bezig zijn met korte sprints”.
NRC (2020-01-13): Universiteiten en NWO willen af van voortdurende stress rond onderzoeksaanvragen
Busy New Year.
Please reconsider the deadline of the veni grant for next year. By choosing a deadline right after the Christmas break, you are contributing to an unhealthy research culture, which ultimately might even lead to young researchers leaving the field.
A computing-research conference is "a journal that meets in a hotel."