Groningen is daarnaast vooral een studentenstad met ruim 57.000 studenten, van wie ongeveer 35.000 in de stad wonen.
Schlagwort: Wohnen
Viele Städte haben eine Universität.
Internet of Shleep.
I soon discovered that the only thing worse than getting a bad night’s sleep is to subsequently get a report from my bed telling me I got a low score and “missed my sleep goal.” Thanks, smart bed, but I know that already. I feel like shit.
The housing market used to be a way for people to organize themselves and share costs and risks. Now in bigger cities it seems to be mainly about selling people to housing corporations.
The online markets used to be extensions of “real” ones, selling goods and services. Now the central market is attention, essentially selling people to advertisement companies.
Johan Galtung & Malvin Gattinger: “Modern” Business Owns You
Denk je dat ik hier zomaar mag wonen?
Pluk van de Petteflet / Annie M.G. Schmidt
Embracing Enemies.
Ein starker Geist braucht kein Feindbild.
eine WG-Tür, nie abgeschlossen