Schlagwort: Zeit

The Problems of our Time.

The other three sides of the tower are displaying the correct time, which is decidedly confusing for city dwellers and tourists alike. A special company has been hired to fix the broken clock, but it is expected to take around a week for all sides of the tower to display the same time. If the software error is not fixed by the end of October, then that clock face will actually become the correct time again due to daylight saving time.

The Northern Times: Martini Tower clock displaying wrong time

Time is a sentence.

... die Zeit, die wie ein endlos glitzernder Faden durch die Welt läuft, schien mitten durch dieses Zimmer zu gehen und schien mitten durch diese Menschen zu gehen und schien plötzlich einzuhalten und steif zu werden, ganz steif und still und glitzernd, ...

Robert Musil: Die Vollendung der Liebe


He had always wondered about it, and indeed he belonged to a generation that had no understanding of tattooing as an art form. Why embellish yourself with something that never goes away, when we constantly change and evolve?

David Lagercrantz: The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye


Man sollte nie so viel zu tun haben, dass man zum Nachdenken keine Zeit mehr hat.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

2 4 4 U.

It must be about four o'clock, thought Moist. Four o'clock! I hate it when there are two four o'clocks in the same day...

Terry Pratchett: Making Money