Schlagwort: Zeit


He had always wondered about it, and indeed he belonged to a generation that had no understanding of tattooing as an art form. Why embellish yourself with something that never goes away, when we constantly change and evolve?

David Lagercrantz: The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye


Man sollte nie so viel zu tun haben, dass man zum Nachdenken keine Zeit mehr hat.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

2 4 4 U.

It must be about four o'clock, thought Moist. Four o'clock! I hate it when there are two four o'clocks in the same day...

Terry Pratchett: Making Money

Gute Wegsätze.

Statt "mehr davon", reicht mir eigentlich auch schon eine "weniger hiervon" Liste zum neuen Jahr.


As everybody knows, I may be slow
But I never quit
Sometimes, on a good day, I sit and think
Sometimes I just sit

Deep Purple: All The Time In The World