Schlagwort: Zeit


My wall is full of postcards. Maybe it's time to move out.

Doei II.

It's only four days three years ...


There's so much of "place" in the world. There's less time because the time has to be spread extra thin over all the places, like butter. So all the persons say "Hurry up! Let's get going! Pick up the pace! Finish up now!".

Jack in Room (2015)

Now and Then.

Note the difference between "Only nerds will pass this course." and "Everyone who passed this course is a nerd."

Real Time.

Und man konnte nicht ständig Bücher lesen, oder besser gesagt, während des Wartens auf den Fortgang realer Dinge war Lesen ein aussichtsloses Unterfangen.

Juli Zeh: Spieltrieb